Meet Your Basic Needs with the SC Parents Resource Directory

Children's Trust of South Carolina

Busy Family Home with Father Working as Mother Prepares Meal

Parenting is hard, especially when you struggle to meet your basic needs.

The resource directory on SC Parents allows anyone to find and connect with local free and reduced-cost programs. The free and secure directory helps you find support available throughout South Carolina including housing, transportation, child care, employment, educational resources, legal assistance and other essentials.

Brittany Crowley, who serves as community relations coordinator for Children’s Trust of South Carolina, recently explained how to use the resource directory to get the support you need.

What makes SC Parents resource directory different?

The resource directory is powered by findhelp, the largest network of free and reduced-cost programs. It started with the goal of offering an easier way for anyone to find social services and connect to them directly and electronically. Children’s Trust works with community-based organizations across South Carolina to connect families to the resources they need.

What resources can I find on the directory?

In South Carolina, the most searched for resource on the resource directory is housing. Housing remains a critical need for families in our communities but it’s not the only one. The resource directory also connects those in need to employment, medical care, food, transportation, childcare and more.

How do I use it?

Connect with resources in your community by beginning your search with a zip code.

To search for a specific resource, you can navigate to the categories at the top of the page or you can search by keyword. Every program card has a place to find more information and next steps. You can use the program filters feature to narrow your results to your specific needs. You can also save, share, and print program cards all while your information is kept private!

The resource directory is available to anyone in South Carolina to find local resources and support. Use these tips to search for what you need, when you need it.

Go to the resource directory on SC Parents