Knowing how children grow is one of the best ways to set reasonable expectations for your child and yourself – and save everyone daily frustration.
Here are some simple tips to support your journey as a parent. Maybe you’re already doing some!

Understanding child development
- Learn what your child needs at different ages and stages of development.
- Know that your child is unique and will develop differently than others.
- Kids change as they grow older. Adapt to meet new and ongoing needs.
- Have a relationship with a doctor’s office that answers your questions about the ages and stages of your child’s growth and development.
- Stay calm and present when your child is sad, angry or frustrated. Help them understand their feelings are normal and okay.
- Take a class to learn positive parenting strategies.
Understanding your child
- Read a story with your child.
- Ask your child questions about their day. Make this a part of your regular routine.
- Share your feelings and let them share theirs.
- Make sure kids understand what is safe and unsafe.
- Eat dinner together regularly.
- Celebrate when they succeed in school.
- Play games that encourage conversations.
- Spend time at your local library.
- Track growth on a chart or wall.
- Meet another family at the park. Help your child learn what it means to play well with others.
- Connect with trusted parents who can offer you counsel and wisdom.
- Be present at their school and after-school activities.
Learn more about protective factors for your family.