Nurse-Family Partnership in South Carolina
Nurse-Family Partnership

Who is the program for?
First-time, expectant mothers, typically low income.
How long is the program?
Starts early in the pregnancy, typically 28 weeks or less, and continues through the child’s second birthday.
When and where does it take place?
A personal nurse visits the mom and family weekly in the home. As the baby gets older and the moms need less support, the visits may occur every other week or monthly.
Program Details
The partnership between the mom and a nurse is one of the key features of this program. Moms get the care and support they need to have a healthy pregnancy, and the whole family relies upon the nurse as a trusted resource for advice and connections to resources. The nurse focuses on building parenting skills, competent caregiving, and supportive relations with the goal of improving pregnancy outcomes including full-term births and healthy birth weight as well as the children’s health, development and safety. Nurses also assist mothers in setting and achieving education and career goals.
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