Healthy Families America (HFA) in South Carolina
Healthy Families America

Who is the program for?
Pregnant moms and their families with children aged 0-3 and who are facing challenges such as single parenthood, low income, childhood history of abuse and neglect, and current or previous issues related to substance abuse, mental health issues and/or domestic violence.
How long is the program?
Home visits begin prenatally or within the first three months after a child’s birth and continue until children are between 3 and 5 years old.
When and where does it take place?
One to four home visits per month depending on the need. Home visits last approximately one hour.
Program Details
Flexible to families’ needs, home visitors work with parents to promote healthy parent-child relationships, reduce child maltreatment, improve children’s social-emotional well-being and promote children’s school readiness. Home visitors work to remove barriers to accessing prenatal health care, and provide trusted support, early screening and connections to resources.
Services are relationship-based, culturally respectful and family-centered.
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