Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) in South Carolina

Triple P
(Positive Parenting Program)

Young smiling woman sitting on sofa with laptop spying on child teen girl using smartphone

Who is the program for?

Parents and caregivers of children from birth through the teenage years

When, where and how long is the program?

Programs are delivered by practitioners throughout the state. They vary in length and duration.

Program details

Triple P gives you tips and ideas to help you bring out the best in your children, to help them be resilient, confident, and have the self-discipline to succeed. Learn how to positively manage the behavior you don’t like and encourage more of the behavior that will help them get along with others. It will make your family life easier in the meantime, too!

Triple P services are provided to families by various community-based service organizations including pediatric practices, nonprofits, libraries, schools and churches. Services include short parenting seminars, classes, group and individual therapy as well as specialized interventions.

English and Spanish practitioners are at work throughout South Carolina.

Five Core Principles

  1. Ensuring a safe and engaging environment
  2. Creating a positive learning environment that helps children learn to solve problems
  3. Using assertive, consistent discipline teaches children to accept responsibility for their behavior
  4. Having realistic expectations about children’s behavior
  5. Taking care of yourself as a parent to find balance in life

Triple P Online

Learn simple, practical and positive tips that can help you bring out the best in your kids and teenagers. This self-paced, online class is available when and wherever you want to learn. English and Spanish available.

Search Triple P

Looking for a Triple P program in your area? Check out Triple P HQ below to find one close to you.

Triple P Online

Learn simple, practical and positive tips that can help you bring out the best in your kids and teenagers. This self-paced, online class is available when and wherever you want to learn. English and Spanish available.

Triple P

For families with children up to age 12, parents can choose from small or larger groups session, one-off or a whole series where you can learn just a few tips or all the Triple P strategies. Find a session or provider near you. English and Spanish available.

Triple P Teen

Need help raising happy, independent teens? Concerned about your teenager’s development and behavior? This program will help you encourage positive behaviors for teens and teach teens new skills such as problem-solving, conflict resolution and self-regulation. English and Spanish available.
