Strengthening Families Program (SFP) in South Carolina

Strengthening Families Program

man and young boy playing basketball on a court, teaching little player and spending time outdoors

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Program Details

The Strengthening Families Program helps families with children ages 7 to 17 develop positive discipline practices, build resilience, reduce conflict and improve communication skills. The sessions begin with a family meal. Parents and children meet separately to work with group leaders before coming together for shared activities.

Participants who successfully complete the program graduate in celebratory style.

Family together at Strengthening Families Program Graduation

Who is the program for?

  • Parents and caretakers with children ages 7 to 17 years old.

How long is the program?

  • Meets weekly for 11 sessions. Each session starts with a family meal and takes approximately 2 1/2 hours.

When and where does it take place?

  • Community centers, churches, schools and other community locations.
Mother with two kids hugs woman as she enters a Strengthening Families Program graduation.

Strengthening Families Program Celebrates Children and Caregivers Growing Together

Children’s Trust of South Carolina supports the delivery of SFP across the state. One of our funded partners, Westview Behavioral Health Services in Newberry, South Carolina, recently celebrated 10 families who completed the program.

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