Participate in the conversation, share an article with other parents.

Submitting an article

We welcome blog submissions in any of our key content areas. If you have an article you would like us to consider, please submit it below.

Mother talking on smart phone at home office
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Form acknowledgement
By submitting this form you agree that Children’s Trust has the right to publish, share and reproduce your submission on any of its websites, social media platforms, publications and email.

By sending this submission to SC Parents, a program of Children’s Trust, you have represented that you are the author and copyright owner of the submission and have all rights necessary to provide this submission to Children's Trust. You have granted Children's Trust an irrevocable, royalty-free license to publish, republish, resell, distribute, copy and edit the submission unlimited times in any print, electronic or other medium. By sending this submission to Children's Trust, you agree that the submission becomes the property of Children's Trust.

If you have submitted photos, video or audio, you grant permission to Children's Trust to use your and your children's likeness, if applicable, including but not limited to all print and digital publications. You acknowledge that your participation is voluntary and will receive no financial compensation.

You acknowledge that your participation is voluntary and will receive no financial compensation.
We welcome all those who share our values, have something to say and want to build community for parents.