Resilience is one of the most important aspects of parenting. It is the ability to cope with big and small stressors, and to grow from the experience.
Resilience often comes from resources such as faith, humor, supportive relationships and problem-solving skills. It helps us give our kids the nurturing care they need even when times are tough.
Here are some simple ways to incorporate new resilience practices into your everyday life.
- Celebrate your successes. Encourage yourself and your kids.
- Talk with a trusted friend.
- Rest. Make sleep a priority.
- Look for the humor in the situation. Laugh.
- Listen to your favorite music.
- Meditate or pray.
- Do a mindfulness exercise.
- Keep a journal. Write down the things that are bothering you. Write down the things for which you are thankful.
- Get regular exercise.
- Take a quiet walk.
- Forgive yourself.
- Remind yourself that you can get through this.
- Go somewhere that is new to you. Remove yourself from your stressful environment even if it is just a little while.
These are everyday practices to nurture your resilience. Take a minute to think about the ones you already do and those you could incorporate more in your life. Which one will you try today?