Food and Nutrition Information for Parents in South Carolina
Food & Nutrition
Eating healthy helps your family to thrive.
- Healthy, fast and easy meals
- School lunch solutions
- Breastfeeding and baby food
- Nutrition ideas for every age
- Food allergies
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Knowledge To Make Parenting Life Easier
7 Tips to Help Your Child Practice Intuitive Eating
Have you heard of intuitive eating? Some people may not realize that they have been practicing this most of their lives until they come across this term. Intuitive eating...
4 Healthy Eating Hacks for Busy Families
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy diet for your family can be a challenge, especially for busy parents. Still, with the right strategies, you can make...
4 Ways to Access Fresh Produce with FoodShare South Carolina
In South Carolina, one in 10 people live in food insecure households. FoodShare South Carolina is a statewide network working to improve that state and make it easier for...
Programs To Level Up Your Parenting
Triple P (Positive Parenting Program)
Triple P offers parents simple, practical strategies to build strong relationships with their children and help parents effectively manage their children’s behavior. Explore Triple P, Triple P Online, Triple P Teen and Triple P Espanol.
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Family Resource Centers
Family resource centers are community-based places where families can go for help such as parenting classes, job training, mental health, family counseling, child care, job training and more.
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Even More Help
The American Academy of Pediatrics’ has information on many topics related to child development including nutritional choices and resources.
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Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics offers information on nutrition and health, from meal planning and prep to choices that can help prevent or manage health conditions and more.
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides guidelines and recommendations for healthy nutrition to help children grow strong.
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Foodshare SC
Resources in select South Carolina counties that make it easier for families to enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables daily.
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Parents Helping Parents
Real-life parenting advice for South Carolina parents, from South Carolina parents. Ask a question, share advice, learn from and grow with other parents around the state.